Kobalt Outdoor Edge-Style Knife

It’s unfortunate to hear that someone was leaving fake reviews in the comments section of your post about the Kobalt disposable-blade utility knife. Fake reviews can be misleading and compromise the integrity of product evaluations.

However, it’s worth revisiting the product now that Lowe’s has significantly discounted the knife. It seems that the Kobalt knife, which is compatible with Outdoor Edge blades and may be manufactured by that company, hasn’t been selling well in your region based on inventory levels.

The price drop from $25 to $10 reflects a substantial 60% discount, making the knife more affordable and appealing. While the Outdoor Edge-style design may not personally interest you, it has proven to be popular among hunters due to its pocket knife-like functionality and the convenience of easily obtaining fresh blades without the need for sharpening.

Initially, the $25 price point may have been seen as too high for a holiday gift center-type product, especially considering the initial impression of a proprietary blade system. However, it’s important to note that Outdoor Edge blades are readily available on platforms like Amazon, making the knife’s blade system accessible to users.

At $15, the knife becomes more compelling, and the recent drop to $10 is likely to sway customers who were hesitant at the original $25 pricing. While you may personally find the utility knife-style blade less useful compared to a standard drop-point blade, having both styles can offer convenience. Additionally, users can always choose to purchase refills of the blade style they find most suitable for their needs.

As for the pricing and availability, Lowe’s is currently showing a price of $9.98 for all stores in your area. It’s unclear whether this is a clearance price or a temporary promotion. Furthermore, the only options for receiving the product are free in-store pickup or truck delivery, as there is no standard shipping option.

Considering the significant price reduction and availability of the Kobalt knife, it might be worth giving it another look, especially for those who were previously undecided due to the higher price point.

Compare: Outdoor Edge at Amazon

That’s an interesting perspective! If you already own an Outdoor Edge knife and are in need of replacement blades, the Kobalt knife could be seen as a cost-effective option. With the Kobalt knife priced at $10 and providing you with 6 replacement blades (3 utility knife-style and 3 drop point), it can be viewed as a blade variety pack that includes a free knife handle.

Considering that Outdoor Edge blade refill packs typically cost around $10 for 6 blades, the value proposition of the Kobalt knife becomes even more appealing. Not only do you get the blades you need, but you also receive an additional knife handle at a comparable price to the blade refill packs alone.

This could be a great opportunity for Outdoor Edge knife users to expand their blade options or have a backup knife handle at a relatively low cost.

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