Best Product – Hot Deals on Leatherman Wingman and Sidekick Multi-Tools

Over at Amazon, the Leatherman Wingman has dropped in price to $20, and the Sidekick has dropped to $25. These prices come around every now and then, mostly during the winter holiday season every year.

Although these are both considered entry-level tools, they offer a lot of bang for the buck. I have bought quite a few of each to give as gifts and to keep around the home and in our cars. Actually, I don’t have either in my car at the moment, as the spring-loaded pliers came in handy for a recent project.


Wondering which to buy? Here’s a quick Leatherman Sidekick vs. Wingman comparison. The video below isn’t very quick, but it hopefully does a good job of discussing the differences. I also reviewed the Sidekick a while back, and most of the discussion could apply to the Wingman as well.

Buy Now(Wingman via Amazon)
Buy Now(Sidekick via Amazon)

Update: These are also available for the same sale prices via Home Depot: Wingman, Sidekick.

It’s uncertain as to when the prices will jump back up to their normal/non-holiday prices, which if I recall correctly are $5-7 higher for each tool.

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