Best Product – Gerber Center-Drive Multi-Tool is on Sale RIGHT NOW

The Gerber Center-Drive multi-tool made in the USA and usually priced at $89 is on sale for $59 right now.

Earlier today, someone mentioned seeing it discounted in their Amazon cart and buying one on the spot. I checked, and saw a price of $85. That reflects a small discount from the regular price, but isn’t enough of a discount to get hot and bothered about.


I popped on my computer to do some work, and went to close the still-open browser window that showed the Gerber Center-Drive product page from earlier. I reloaded the page just to see if the price has changed, and it did!

This is a good tool. Gerber sent over a test sample, and while I do like it, it’s been difficult to find the right words to recommend it. It’s not my favorite, but it is a tool I do and would use. At $59, it’s a great buy! I’d buy a couple for giveaways and gifts at this price, but am afraid of what it might do to Amazon’s pricing algorithm.

I don’t know how long the multi-tool will be priced at $59 for.

Check out my preview if you want to learn more.

Sale Price: $59

Buy Now(via Amazon)

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